Pyramid Mock Server: documentation


This package allows to quickly setup a pyramid application from carefully named json mock responses files and a list of endpoints that should exist.

The initial rationale for this package was to serve mocks to clients for endpoints that where not yet developed, but for which the Swagger 2.0 spec was already existing.

As such it as some utility to easily read the list of endpoints from a OpenAPI spec.

pyramid_mock_server allow to create mock replica of your services.

Minimal setup

Write a pyramid application as close as possible from you live setup (ports etc.) and add the following

config = Configurator(settings={
    # ...

    # pyramid_mock_server config
    'pyramid_mock_server.mock_responses_path': responses_directory, # path to the directory where your mocks live
    'pyramid_mock_server.resources': [('/status', 'GET')],  # pairs of endpoint paths, HTTP verbs that the mocks describe

    # ...



config = Configurator(settings={
    # ...

    # pyramid_mock_server config
    'pyramid_mock_server.mock_responses_path': responses_directory,
    'pyramid_mock_server.resources': [('/healthcheck', 'GET')],
    'pyramid_mock_server.get_resources_from_pyramid_swagger_2_0_schema': True,
    'pyramid_mock_server.excluded_paths': ['/status', 'swagger.json'],
    'pyramid_mock_server.custom_view_packages': [my_custom_view_packages_1, my_custom_view_packages_2],

    # ...
  • pyramid_mock_server.mock_responses_path path to the directory where your mocks live (Required)
  • pyramid_mock_server.resources pairs of endpoint path, HTTP verbs that the mocks describe (default: [])
  • pyramid_mock_server.get_resources_from_pyramid_swagger_2_0_schema if True, reads the pyramid_swagger swagger 2.0 schema to generate resources. (Optional, default: False)
  • pyramid_mock_server.excluded_paths paths that might be in resources (or swagger) but you want ignored. (Optional, default: None)
  • pyramid_mock_server.custom_view_packages array of packages to import custom views from (Optional, default: None)


If you enable pyramid_mock_server.get_resources_from_pyramid_swagger_2_0_schema configuration make sure that pyramid_swagger is installed on your virtual environment.

You could use pyramid-swagger extra dependency while installing pyramid-mock-server (pip install pyramid-mock-server[pyramid-swagger]).

Custom Views

To mock behavior that rely on non-url parameters, you will have to write custom views. The library helps you to integrate these views within the automatic view generation.

Failure to use these decorators will results in the view auto-generation not working as expected.

register_custom_view takes 2 arguments, the url and HTTP verb this view applies for, in a similar fashion of what you give to setup_routes_views initially.

Writing Custom views

@register_custom_view('/foo/bar', 'POST')
def custom_view(request):
    return Response(

Discovering Custom Views

Custom views are discovered the same way as regular views are, by looking for the decorator in all function in a package (and its subpackages). To make that discovery possible, remember to setup 'pyramid_mock_server.custom_view_packages'

Writing Mocks


All the json files in the responses_directory directory and its subdirectory will be inspected. All the files that fit the file naming convention will be matched against the given swagger resources.

The subdirectories structure is ignored, so you can organize your mock files as you see fit.

File naming convention

Generic structure <transformed_url>(_query<query_args>)_response(.<http_response_code>).<http_verb>.json

To be able to match urls and mocks following rules apply:

  • A mock file name pattern is basically the url from the swagger spec, with / being replaced by _.
  • You must also specify the HTTP verb that this response correspond to.
  • Arguments are specified the same way as the swagger doc {business_id}.
  • Optionaly specific query arguments can be defined for a response.
  • Mock ends with _response (this is practical for templating).

eg. A mock for /business/{business_id}/detail/v1 as GET would be named business_{business_id}_detail_v1_response.GET.json

You can specify different variations depending on the path arguments by giving the argument value(s) this mock should be returned for

eg. business_{business_id#foo}_detail_v1_response.GET.json would be the returned response when calling /business/foo/detail/v1 on the mock server.

You can also specify a response code for this response (nothing is interpreted as 200):

eg. business_{business_id#404}_detail_v1_response.404.GET.json would be the returned 404 response when calling /business/404/detail/v1 on the mock server.

You can also specify some query arguments that need to be present for a response to be returned: eg. business_v2_query{business_ids#32,33,34}{with_info#1}_response.GET.json would be the returned when calling /business/v2?business_ids=32,33,34&with_info=1 on the mock server.


All mocks can use the jinja2 templating language. This allow to include mocks from one within another, or to have templates inheritance. Jinja will consider all json files in the responses_path as potential templates, and you can reference any file in there from any file by path from the responses_path directory.

Extra Operations

We define 2 extra operations for json objects. These expects a dictionary as top object of the json.


  "value": 0,
  "attr1": {
    "value": 1,
    "attr2": {
      "value": 2


This is similar to the update for a python dictionary. The key from the original object will be overwritten by the key from the override dictionary.

{% override "base.json" %}
    "extra": "extra",
    "attr1": "override"
{% endoverride %}

Render as:

  "value": 0,
  "attr1": "override"


This is more of a “soft” update. All the keys in the patch are inserted if they are not present, and if the key is present in the original dictionary, we try to recursively merge contents, preserving as much of the original values as possible.

{% patch "base.json" %}
  "extra": "extra",
  "value": "patch",
  "attr1": {
    "attr2": {
      "value": "patch"
{% endpatch %}

Render as:

  "extra": "extra",
  "value": "patch",
  "attr1": {
    "value": 1,
    "attr2": {
      "value": "patch"

Using Mock Server in test

These are two tests sample that you might want to run to be sure your service is correct. The first one ensures that all of your endpoints have at least one mock. The second one calls all the mocks that you have defined with the correct parameters.

For the latest, we recommend your service integrates pyramid_swagger, and that you set it up for your mock server as well. You that will thus guaranty that all the mocks you return are compliant to your swagger spec.
import pytest
from pyramid_mock_server.mock_loader import load_responses
from pyramid_mock_server.response_collection import ResponseCollection
from pyramid_mock_server.swagger_util import get_all_mocks_operations

# Let's turn off request validation for testing, so we can automagically
# generate tests for every added simple route, with the same config
# for pyramid swagger as prod
@pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def mock_request_validation():
    with mock.patch('pyramid_swagger.tween.swaggerize_request'):

    'path, request_method',
def test_all_views(mock_app, path, request_method):
    Test that all views (URL, HTTP operation) respond HTTP 200.
    mock_app.request(path, method=request_method, status=200)

    'path, request_method',
def test_all_mocks(mock_app, path, request_method):
    Test that all views (URL, HTTP operation) respond HTTP 200.
    mock_app.request(path, method=request_method, status=200)

Enhance Swagger Specs

While working on the implementation of Swagger 2.0 endpoint could nice to have examples of responses in the swagger specs themselves

swagger: "2.0"
    title: Swagger Mock Server Test Spec
    version: 1.0.0
produces: [application/json]
          description: OK response
            type: string
              "example of response"

pyramid-mock-server provides a cli tool, pyramid-mock-server-spec-enhancer , to injects mock server responses into the examples section of the swagger specs.


To use the tool you need to install the library with cli extra dependency (pip install pyramid-mock-server[cli])